Twice in my life I have overcome obesity accompanied by illness or severe back injury. I was very thin all my life until I had my first child at 19 years old and I took a call center job where I sat for long hours on end, shamelessly eating candy pumpkins. It didn’t take long for me become overweight, out of breath, and with Thyroid disease. The doctors wanted to put me on medications for the rest of my life. I chose to find a healthier way. I hired a personal trainer and changed my eating habits. I became a five time nationally certified personal trainer & nutrition guide because I fell in love with proactive health measures. I gained self-confidence in my appearance, courage in speaking, and became more confident in other ways
You’d think this alone would’ve kept me from falling back. But depression & broken relationships can take a toll on your mind and heart. This experience led me to discover how to handle my own emotional intelligence and how to handle conflict. Thus, I added Emotional Intelligence training to complement the journey.
When I conquered obesity, poor health, and low self-esteem I felt impassioned to share this road to freedom with others who were also suffering the same experiences.
What led me to become so unhealthy and unhappy? In realty, the American lifestyle all-encompassing is horrible for our health, all the way around:
Overeating-amount and frequency
Lack of physical activity
Lack of quality time outdoors
Lack of walking in general (elevators, escalators, conveyers, vehicles, lack of sidewalks, remote living, etc)
Lack of Community
Abundance of processed foods
Chemicals in food, water supply
Overuse of plastics in food & beverage containers
I provide facilitation to those who are looking for a healthier, long term solution to obesity and poor health, including mental and emotional health. I join with my clients as an accountability partner and facilitator, allowing the client to be in charge of their journey.
Some of the tools I incorporate in my own health and that of my clients include but are not limited to:
Long term and intermittent fasting
Food and nutrition guidance
Weight training
Cardiovascular training
Emotional and spiritual facilitation
If you are tired of the hamster wheel of dieting, tricks, and gimmicks, YOU can benefits from my knowledge and experience. If you are tired of feeling depressed, alone, and lacking self-confidence…YOU can overcome it today!
Don’t wait another minute as life passes you by! Take control now and choose to live on purpose with intention! Make the choice now to change the rest of your life!